  • 视差

  • 主演:Naomi Prentice Nelson Ritthaler 海蒂·史密斯 
  • 状态:正片
  • 导演:Michael Bachochin
  • 类型:科幻
  • 简介:A young artist wakes up in a life that she doesn't recognize, spending her time asleep haunted by nightmares of drowning in a black abysmal void. As she begins to uncover the truths of the life that she's found herself in, the gravity of her failing reality weighs heavily on her psychological identity and the reliability of her sanity is called into question.


  • 5.0异形正片
  • 3.0变形金刚5:最后的骑士 (国语版)正片
  • 5.0寄生兽正片
  • 5.0X战警:逆转未来(国语版)正片
  • 2.0哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上)(原声版)正片
  • 8.0生化危机(国语版)正片
  • 7.0流浪地球2正片
  • 4.0回到未来3正片

